Times + Location
Weekly Services
Sundays @ 8am / 9:30am / 11am
Saturdays @ 6pm
Sundays @ 8am / 9:30am / 11am / 5pm / 8pm
Sunday Mornings
On-site @ 8am
This traditional worship service features hymns and Lutheran liturgy. The music is led by organ and/or piano and other classical instrumentation. Communion is celebrated the first and third Sundays of the month.
On-site @ 9:30am
A worship service that combines new songs and traditional hymns. The music is led by a variety of instrumentation from week to week. This service also contains similar liturgy to the 8am service and communion is celebrated the first and third Sundays of the month.
On-site @ 11am
This is a relaxed worship experience featuring new songs and hymns led by a full band and featured vocalists. We celebrate communion on the first and third Sundays of the month.
Nursery care is provided for children ages 6 weeks through 3 years during Sunday morning worship services.
Campus Map
A - Family Life Center / B - School: 3rd - 8th Grades / C - Administration & PreK - 2nd Grade / D - Child Care Center / E - Business Office & Print Shop / F - Gym & Cafeteria / G - G Building / J - Sanctuary
Contact Us
Concordia Campus
16801 Huebner Road
San Antonio, Texas 78258
Church Office
Main Phone
(210) 479-1477
Church Fax
(210) 479-9348
Business Office Fax
(210) 764-0200
Main Phone
(210) 479-1477
School Fax
(210) 479-9416
Child Care Center
Main Phone
(210) 479-1492
Child Care Fax
(210) 479-5623