If you’re looking for...

less stress, more joy, less guilt, more peace, less ‘out of control’ feelings, more ‘in-control’ feelings,
and a closer relationship with God (and other faithful men)...
you're in the right place!



Does your walk of faith need some renewal as you try to keep up with the pace of this stress-filled world? Are you looking for deeper meaning in your spiritual life? If your answer is "yes," you're ready for the S.T.A.R.S. Retreat!

The goal of the S.T.A.R.S. Retreat is: To celebrate God's love in Jesus Christ; to grow as one who knows Him and follows Him, and to shine the light of new life that Jesus gives in a setting of solitude, prayer, worship and fellowship, using clear teaching and powerful inspiration.



Check-in will be at Concordia Lutheran Church. Following a short service, a chartered bus will transport you to the Mount Wesley Conference Center in Kerrville, TX.

The total investment for the retreat is only $225 and covers your bus transportation, accommodations, meals, and retreat materials. *Scholarships may be available.
Contact Julie Tucker :

What this retreat IS…

  • Life changing teachings and powerful activities for ALL men

  • Becoming part of a tight group of brothers in Christ who are there for you

  • The opportunity to feel more relaxed and at ease with everything-knowing God is with you

  • A chance to stop along this windy road of life to check our direction, establish your position, and recognize the path that God is calling you to travel

  • The opportunity (at last) to control your own schedule and agenda- it’s about you and God

  • A break to leave the pressures of day-to-day life behind for the weekend and focus on yourself

What this retreat IS NOT…

  • Ending up in a remote part of the woods on a camping trip

  • A silence-induced weekend, full of meditation

  • Sitting around singing campfire songs and holding hands

  • An experience that challenges your masculinity

  • A pedicure in the woods

  • About fire walks

  • About the myth "this is only for ‘soft-spoken’ and/or
    ‘really-nice’ guys"

  • Boring, irrelevant, and/or doesn’t apply to you

  • Doing arts and crafts, or playing silly games like
    3-legged races