Don’t forget to head to the courtyard at 4:50pm to sing a couple songs around the Christmas tree together!
Stuffed Animals for Mission Road (FLC)
We will stuff 300 animals for children
and adults with intellectual and
developmental disabilities.
Treat Baskets for First Responders (A206)
Put together a sweet treat, blessing cards,
and an ornament for our local police and
fire stations.
Toiletry Kits for Salvation Army (Gym)
Put together a sweet kit for those experiencing a difficult time and brighten their season with one of 200 care kits.
Wreaths for JingleMart Families (FLC)
Create a wreath for all the families who will be here on campus on December 15 for this event created by South Texas Alliance for Orphans.
Cold Weather Kits for Unhoused (Gym)
Assemble one of 300 care kits that will be distributed to Communities Under the Bridge, Christian Assistance Ministry, and Salvation Army.
Trees for Homebound Members (A200)
Assemble one of 72 small trees to give to one
of our members who are unable to join us on campus this season.
Blankets and Bags for Teens (Cafeteria)
Tie a blanket and assemble a bag for teenagers who have been removed from their homes and are without placement this Christmas.